Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Acquisition of spiritual health

Every day you should try to plant in your soul something spiritual, which will eject something worldly and sinful.  Gradually, the old self will be disclaimed, and you will be able to move freely in the spiritual realm.  Replace the sinful images in your mind with holy ones.  Replace songs with hymns, worldly magazines with spiritual books.  If you do not break away from all that is worldly and sinful, if you do not commune with Christ, with Panagia, with the Saints, with the Church Triumphant, and if you do not place yourself completely in the hands of God, you will not be able to acquire spiritual health. 


1 comment:

  1. In the event that you are an individual occupied with the procedure of otherworldly wellbeing, you are eager and equipped to transcend yourself so as to address the significance and reason in your life and the lives of others. Moreover, you try to discover agreement between that which exists in and the social and physical drives that originate from outside.
    Saint Kirpal Singh
