Wednesday, December 24, 2014

It's freezing in Kosovo--the warmth of Christian love is desperately needed

A message from Fr. Nektarios Serfes

President of the Decani Monastery Relief Fund USA
Boise, Idaho

Dear Friends In Christ Our Lord,

May the great peace and love of our Lord God always be with you! Now that we’re approaching Christmas, the weather in Kosovo and Metohija is becoming severe, especially at night, and many people are already freezing. Thousands of Christian brethren who are cold are in need of our assistance and warm Christian love. It will get even colder as the days proceed into January and February.

We here in America simply turn up our thermostats or light our woodstoves to keep warm. But there are no heaters or woodstoves for thousands of families in much of Kosovo and Metohija at this hour! It is estimated that at least 12,500 families are now in need of firewood and food!

A particular concern at this point in time is the availability of needed food.  The current situation is that the electric bills must be paid first before food can be obtained. Even so, electricity is shut down often enough that some families lose their food. There is no good reason for this situation, except that it is used to oppress the Christian populace.  We, here in America, to date, have been spared such a fate—let us not abandon our brethren who are truly suffering great deprivation, mostly because of their Christian heritage and confession

Current shortages are forcing parents to go hungry in order to provide meals for their children.  This should be a concern to anyone who is reading this--many people are eating only once a day and, some, even less often. Can you imagine living like this in cold conditions?  What if you became ill and were malnourished and unreasonably cold?  How would you survive?  In truth, some people don’t survive.  For many elderly, pensions have been cut and they no longer can afford what supplies of food and heating fuel are available.  Some people are barely surviving, by the mercy of God.

The Decani Monastery (Kosovo) ministers to extreme needs by helping as many as possible obtain firewood and food.  Will you share this ministry by giving provision through the Decani Monastery Relief Fund?

The monks of the Decani Monastery rush to assist those in need of firewood, no matter what the conditions might be or what the hour. They routinely put their own lives and safety on the line to relieve others' desperation. This in itself is true Christianity-- to care enough to do whatever it takes to assist those in need of simple life sustaining staples such as firewood or food!

Please, loving Christian brethren, let us together help the suffering and struggling souls in Kosovo and Metohija by providing needed food and firewood! Let us just momentarily pause in the pursuit of fulfilling our own needs and desires and consider how truly blessed we are by our Lord God. Let us then hasten to share these blessings with those in desperate need at this time.

Believe me when I say prayers will be answered because of our love! Through our giving, we will help sustain souls with hope, both materially and spiritually.  People will be reminded of God’s care and mercy, even if deplorable conditions still exist.  Thanksgiving will be offered to God because we gave to bring relief to afflicted brethren--Christians who hold to their confession and faith in Christ!

Let us who are so richly endowed with material blessings seize this opportunity to bring the light of Christ to the displaced and desperate in Kosovo and Metohija. Then we may be ever joyful knowing no one of our brothers and sisters has perished, but, instead, all will have again known the warmth and peace of true Christian love.

The Decani Monastery Relief Fund offers a Paypal option for donations.  Please click this link to reach the Paypal button:!/cjg9

If you prefer to send a check, kindly send to this address: 

Decani Monastery Relief Fund
C/O Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes
2618 West Bannock Street
Boise, Idaho 83702

Peace to your soul! May God love and bless you!

On behalf of the Board of Directors we humbly and with great Christian love pray for you and offer our heartfelt thanks!

+Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes

President, Decani Monastery Relief Fund

Who humbly prays for you and begs your loving prayers

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