Monday, January 19, 2015

No release yet for Archbishop Jovan

Please continue to pray….may God sustain, console and give courage to Archbishop Jovan and those in his diocese.  Pres. Candace 

Press Release
19 January 2015 

On behalf of The Archbishop Jovan Fund USA

Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes, President

Disappointment and Lies No Release for Archbishop Jovan on 19 January 2012!
by Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes, President of The Archbishop Jovan Fund USA

"The Lord hear thee in the day of affliction..." Psalm 19:1.

Heartfelt disappointment and lies as no release for Archbishop Jovan on January 19, 2015.

Why no release of Archbishop Jovan we do not know as we must endure this great disappointment for the Archbishop himself, his brother Bishops, priest, monks, nuns, and faithful. We have to keep our faith that no release today but that we still might see another day of the Archbishop release.

What are the excuses? What have you done to keep the Archbishop in jail? What shall be the fate of the Archbishop be in the days ahead or does anyone care? How long shall the Archbishop endure due also to his health?

The highest of earthly levels of the good Patriarchs, the good fellow Orthodox bishops around the world, the priest who cried out in constant prayers, and the monks and the nuns as well as the faithful Orthodox and Non-Orthodox Christians of our Lord have called upon you the courts to release the Archbishop. However no release on this day as promised to the world media?

When shall you hear our voices we ask the courts and those responsible because we all know the Archbishop is innocent and just, as well as a man of God.

Let us now continue to pray as we shall endure with love for God and for one another, but at the same time shall we be patient. This is our Christian responsibility.

At this hour and days ahead we simply cannot remain silent as Archbishop Jovan remains in jail but we must roar like a lion, but at the same time be meek as a lamb.

May our Lord God be merciful to us and our strength.

Please now read what the diocese of Archbishop Jovan has announced on this sad day:

section: archbishop\announcements


The Council of the Court of First Instance Skopje I, on January 9, 2015, made the decision that Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje should be released from prison.

Last week, the Public Prosecution issued a written statement that it will not file an appeal against that court decision for releasing of Archbishop Jovan from prison.

Today, when it is a public holiday and a non-working day in R. Macedonia, the Public Prosecution has altered its stance, and through the media informed the public that it has indeed filed an appeal against the mentioned court decision, exactly on this day.

Hence, Archbishop Jovan was not released from prison today, in the foreseen time-period, despite the fact that there has been a court decision for his release. 

Peace to your soul!
God love and bless you! 

Humbly in Christ our Lord,

+ Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes

Who prays for you and with you!

O Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner!
The Jesus Prayer

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