Monday, February 2, 2015

REJOICE! Archbishop Jovan released from prison today

I just received this communique from Rev. Fr. Nektarios Serfes in Boise, ID, president of the Archbishop Jovan Fund USA:

Jovan Vraniskovski was dismissed from Idrizovo Prison around 5 p.m. today. Zivko Pejkovski, the Manager of the prison stated that he was handed over the decision from the Basic Court in Skopje at about 4:30 p.m. today.

Vraniskovski was released on parole after the Appellate Court rejected the appeal of the Public Prosecutor for prosecution for organized crime and corruption as unjustified. He was released on parole by the Director of the Idrizovo Prison because he already served more than half of his prison sentence, the re-socialization was accomplished and he was in bad health condition.

Vraniskovski parole expires on 23 March 2012 according to the Decision of the Criminal Court in Skopje.

Great blessed news: Archbishop Jovan has been released from prison today…

Thanks be to God!

May our Lord God watch over him and give him strength.

Let us all Rejoice in the Lord!

Alleluia Thoxa Si O Theos, Thoxa Si! Glory to Thee O Lord, Glory to Thee!

Peace to your soul!

Humbly in our Lord,

+Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes
President of the Archbishop Jovan Fund USA

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