Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"Papa, will we have meat at Pascha?"

to this Serbian child’s pressing question 

 You can make sure there’ll be Paschal meat on Serbian tables in Kosovo this year, bringing immense joy to children who live with so little
A message from Fr. Nektarios Serfes, President of the Decani Monastery Relief Fund 

Cross Veneration Sunday 2016 

Beloved brothers & sisters,
As we move closer to Holy Pascha, parents of Serbian children in Kosovo hear this question often. Unsure parents, in turn, ask the same question of the monks at the Decani Monastery. Although the Decani fathers can make no promises, they assure families of God’s love. They remind them of His faithfulness in the past. And they prayerfully commit these requests to God.

Over the past 18 years, the Decani Monastery Relief Fund (DMRF) has been actively relieving needs in Kosovo / Metohija. The Fund brings hope to Serbian Orthodox Christians living in a hostile, volatile area of the world. Providing pork roasts for the brightest feast of the year—Holy Pascha—is just one of the many ministries we offer. This ministry is directed to 200 families currently living in extreme hardship. Hardship that is beyond their control. We appeal to DMRF benefactors to provide loving hope and assistance for these families throughout the year. At this time, it’s our goal to provide meat for their tables at Holy Pascha this year.

When we approach you to provide one (or more) pork roasts at this time of year, we do not start with a cash reserve. We are just starting to collect for this purpose. The need is for 200 pork roasts at $150 each. The request is made in faith before God. We’ve seen how the Lord works over the years. We are yet confident in His love and provision for these families--with your help, of course.

Will you help us bring joy and hope to Serbian Orthodox families in Kosovo / Metohija this Pascha? For sure, let there be meat on tables where no meat may appear for months at a time! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to answer YES to a child’s pressing question, “Papa, will we have meat at Pascha this year?” You can. A $150 gift will buy one pork roast for a Christian family in Kosovo / Metohija. It’s hard to describe the overwhelming joy and excitement that is felt when the pork roasts are made available to the families. You can be part of bringing that joy to others. And, it is relatively easy to do.

Remember our Lord’s words,  And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me,’  Matthew 25:40. When you provide for these dear people, your provision is as to Christ. What finer way to invest the funds entrusted to you by God? He will assuredly bless you—you will have invited Christ Himself to your Paschal table!

Kindly send a check of any amount payable to:  Decani Monastery Relief Fund. Write “Pascha” in the memo. Mail to: 

c/o Very Rev. Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes
2618 West Bannock Street
Boise, Idaho 83702  
The Decani Monastery Relief Fund also accepts donations via credit cards or Paypal. Please visit our web site http://www.thedecanifund.org/ and use the “donate” button near the top of the page.  The Decani Fund is a 501c3 tax exempt charity. 

God love and bless you!  The Orthodox families of Kosovo & Metohija thank you!

+Fr. Nektarios Serfes
President, Decani Monastery Relief Fund

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