Friday, April 14, 2017

Recurring Miracle of the Holy Flame

The coming of the Holy Flame (which lights an oil lamp held by the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem every year on Holy Saturday) is a recurring miracle in the Orthodox Church.  The miracle has been documented consecutively since 1106 AD.  From the lighted oil lamp, the Patriarch ignites candles and shares the flame with the faithful.   


This miraculous flame that comes to the Patriarch while he is praying in Christ’s tomb (located within in the Holy Sepulcher Church, Jerusalem) intrigues people—whether believers of not. website has posted an excellent, if not somewhat lengthy, article titled The Holy Flame: the Greatness of the Miracle, and the Helplessness of the Skeptics.  It’s worth reading—and sharing with others who might have interest, too. 

Kali Anastasi to all!
Presbytera Candace

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