blessings on all those with Romanos as their Patron Saint, who celebrate their
Name Day on October 1!
Orthodox Thought for the Day
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Friday, September 29, 2017
Forgiveness Requires Courage
blog posting from Fr. Alexis Trader, Orthodox monastic, on his website: https://ancientchristianwisdom.wordpress.com/2014/07/08/forgiveness-requires-courage/
In his dissertation, John W. Beiter writes, “Thoresen (2001) highlighted that forgiveness was difficult, demanding and requiring courage.” Courage can be defined as a willingness and ability to face fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, hardship, death, or public disapproval. Courage is also required in order to let go of anger and the desire for revenge when one has been wronged or offended by another, to leave behind the dog-eat-dog world where we usually live, and to step into the unfamiliar terrain of the Gospel of Christ.
July 8, 2014
Anyone who has experienced forgiving another human being
recognizes that the act of loosening our grip and extending our hand that has
recently been bitten requires courage, courage to act like Christ when our
impulses drive us to act like wounded beasts. We know this on an experiential,
intuitive level. Psychologists, however, have confirmed that fact in their
study of forgiveness.
In his dissertation, John W. Beiter writes, “Thoresen (2001) highlighted that forgiveness was difficult, demanding and requiring courage.” Courage can be defined as a willingness and ability to face fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, hardship, death, or public disapproval. Courage is also required in order to let go of anger and the desire for revenge when one has been wronged or offended by another, to leave behind the dog-eat-dog world where we usually live, and to step into the unfamiliar terrain of the Gospel of Christ.
That forgiveness requires courage means that forgiveness is not a moral
calculation or a balance on the scales of justice. Courage means we leave those
calculations and balances on the side. Courage is required to forgive our
brother without reflecting upon whether he deserves it. Forgiveness is,
moreover, a courageous act of love that requires patience. Saint Ephraim the
Syrian once said, “The life of the righteous was radiant. How did it become
radiant if it wasn’t by patience? Love patience, O monk, as the mother of
courage.” Patience in keeping God’s commandments provides the courage to do so
in times of trial and temptation.
How is courage linked to forgiveness? In so far that it takes courage to be
a Christian, in so far that it takes courage to be a person of faith, in so far
that it takes courage to be obedient to the Gospel of Christ in a world that
runs on the basis of other laws and criteria, it requires courage to forgive.
After all, Saint Paul described the Christian as a courageous warrior of light:
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to
withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore,
having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of
righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all
the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword
of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:13-17). Is courage useful
in forgiveness? In so far as it is linked to doing all to stand, meaning doing all
to be bearers of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, “love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, kindness, benevolence, faithfulness, gentleness, and
self-control” (Galatians 5:23), courage is undoubtedly most useful for those
who long to forgive.
Consider for a moment, the absence of courage. In such a condition is
forgiveness even possible? Saint Isaac the Syrian writes in Homily 40,
“Faintness of heart is a sign of despondency, and negligence is the mother of
both. A cowardly man shows that he suffers from two diseases: love of his flesh
and lack of faith; for love of one’s flesh is a sign of unbelief. But he who
despises the love of the flesh proves that he believes in God with his whole
heart and awaits the age to come. . . A courageous heart and scorn of perils comes
from one of two causes: either from hardness of heart or from great faith in
God. Pride accompanies hardness of heart, but humility accompanies faith. A man
cannot acquire hope in God unless he first does His will with exactness. For
hope in God and manliness of heart are born of the testimony of the conscience,
and by the truthful testimony of the mind we possess confidence towards God.”
Saint Isaac makes the important point that Christian courage is the courage
of the humble and soft-hearted, not the courage of the proud and hard-hearted.
To have a humble and soft-heart after being wounded requires more courage than
the most lion-hearted soldier, a super-human courage that can only be attained
and sustained through faith and hope in God. To stop nursing one’s wounds and
to start turning to God are acts of courage that are also antecedents to
forgiveness, turning to our neighbors and nursing their wounds. The notions of
courage, faith, hope, patience and a strengthened heart are expressed most
beautifully in psalm 26: “I believe that I shall see the good things of the
Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be thou manful, and let thy
heart be strengthened, and wait on the Lord.”
Since forgiveness is central to the Christian life, courage is an
indispensable virtue. It is not possible to live the Christian life without the
heroic courage of the righteous. Saint John Chrysostom remarks, “Sin makes man
a coward; but a life in the Truth of Christ makes Him bold” (St. John
Chrysostom, On the Statues, VIII. 2).
The more we forgive, the more courage we gather within our heart which in
turn makes it easier to forgive the next time, and the time after that, and
seventy-times seven that follow. When we begin living according to a life in
Christ, our world changes, we perceive those around us differently. We begin to
see them as Christ sees them. Most importantly, we recognize the grace of
Christ operative in our lives. We can then echo the words of Saint Paul, “I can
do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phillippians 4:13) and
that includes forgiving everyone, even those who have wronged us grievously.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Remember, O Lord, those who have Fallen Asleep
Today we solemnly remember those who lost their lives, suddenly,
unexpectedly here in the United States through terrorism attacks on September
11, 2001.
What recourse do Orthodox people have in remembrance of all
these individuals? We have a beautiful
akathist, The Akathist for the Reposed,
which covers all manner of departures from this life and may be prayed for both
Orthodox and non-Orthodox people. It is
a consoling canon of prayers. Here is a
link to the akathist: http://www.orthodox.net/akathists/akathist-for-those-who-have-fallen-asleep.pdf
Here is a way to bring comfort to the souls that only God really
knows. May His will be accomplished in
ways unknown to us, that lie beyond our comprehension. While we yet have time, let us pray.
Photographs of those killed during the terrorist
attacks* on Sept. 11, 2001.
Photo credit: Jeeny via United States Department of
*missing are photos of 92 additional victims (apart
from the terrorists which do not appear above)
Saturday, September 9, 2017
A Prayer Against Bad Weather
A Prayer
Against Bad Weather
O Master, Lord
our God,
Who through Thy Consubstantial and Beginningless Word
and Thy
Life-Giving Spirit Who is equal
in honor,
hath brought everything out of nothingness into being;
and weighed the mountains and the valleys in a
Who hath
measured the skies and holdeth the water in the palm of Thy hand;
Who hath given
to this visible world of the senses its laws and rules,
its harmony and order;
and variations in the orbit of the sun;
Who, through
the mingling of the elements,
holdeth all things together by Thine
inexpressible power,
and keep them
from harm and intact:
Do Thou
Thyself, O All-Good King,
extending to
us Thine innate and customary love and goodness,
visit the
works of Thy hands.
Do not deprive
us of Thy mercies and Thy compassion,
and through
the mystical communion of Thy Spirit
hath made us to share in Thine own
forgive, we
pray, the multitude of our sins,
in the far greater multitude of Thy
Thou didst
wash away the sin of mankind
through the Cross and the Blood of Thy Son.
which hath
been grievously disturbed into an unnatural state
because of the unruliness and
of our lawless and corrupt behavior,
and bring it
back to its natural harmony and order.
Make the great
ocean return to its usual calmness,
that threaten us,
Rebuke the
raging of the sea and the unnatural violence of the gales;
allow the
spirit of the storm to be stilled,
and the
tempest to be returned to tranquility.
Through the
intercessions of the Most-Blessed Lady Theotokos,
of the
God-like Angels and all the Saints,
and through
the good pleasure and love of Thine Only-Begotten Son,
with Whom Thou
art blessed,
together with
Thine All-Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit,
now and ever,
and unto the
ages of ages.
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