Christian people are unaware of the history and existence of the Gifts of the
Magi. It shouldn’t surprise the Orthodox
that the Church knows the whereabouts and keeps watch over the gifts that were
presented to Christ even until now. Enjoy
this informative entry by the author of Trust and Grace Blogspot:
Orthodox Thought for the Day
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Dec 27--The Stoning of Stephen, Proto-Martyr
Grace and Truth blogspot (very nicely done!)
(The Stoning of St. Stephen—portable icon
found at Vatopaidi Monastery, Mt. Athos)
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
KOSOVO--An Advent Update and Your Blessed Involvement
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Many of you know that I am a board member of the Decani
Monastery Relief Fund. The suffering Serbian Christian population is near
and dear to my heart.
Please take time to read this update from our dear brother in
Christ, Fr. Nektarios Serfes, President of the DMRF.
Thank you & Blessed Holy Advent,
Presbytera Candace
26 November 2017
Benefactors & Friends of the Decani Monastery Relief Fund,
our gracious and loving Lord God always bless you!
preparing to write to you, three phrases kept repeating in my mind,
I make a humanitarian trip to Kosovo (my tenth trip to the region), I remind
myself to KEEP LOOKING UP. Why? Because it is God who is working to sustain the
Christian people who live in impoverished conditions there. They are not lazy;
they suffer oppression by political enemies. They would love to change their
circumstances for the better. However, for now, it appears that God is allowing
things to be as they have been for some years running.
needs remain the same, albeit amplified. Even so, the Christian people continue
to look up to God Who is their sustainer and upholder day by
On the Decani Monastery
is it that the Christians remain steadfast when their political and spiritual
enemies prefer they be uprooted from their homeland? Because they look up to
God. They pray. They live with the expectation of God’s goodness, mercy, and
care where little exists they can do to improve their situation. And, God sends
them assistance. He moves the hearts of others with compassion and
generosity over their plight. Then, there is relief and joy!
is why the DMRF exists. This is why we partner with you to bring relief and
sustenance to the oppressed Serbians of Kosovo. People continue to live in
vibrant Christian faith because you help make it possible.
cannot tell you how many people asked me to give thanks to the supporters of
the DMRF during my recent visit to Kosovo. Such gratitude expressed—it humbled
me to receive it. I replied, “It is not me who provides, it is all those who
are benefactors of the DMRF!” With sincerity I pass on their message to you,
HEARTFELT THANK YOU’s from the faithful Orthodox people of Kosovo!
women’s monasteries comprised of holy strugglers asked me to especially thank
the benefactors of the DMRF for the blessings they’d received from the Fund. In
some cases, this meant not only food and fuel, but also appliances—a cook
stove, a refrigerator, a washing machine. Monasteries and individual families
receive new appliances according to need.
We take so many things for granted here in the West. Essential home devices mean so much for those who’ve lived without them. The Decani Fund gladly provides efficient home tools so life can be less harsh and more efficient. Someone wrote, “We live in deprivation, but with the hope of expectation.” This is very much how it is in Kosovo today.
Let me now FOCUS ON THE GOOD from my recent trip that I hope will inspire you as it has me:
one of my meetings with Fr. Sava, Abbot of the Decani Monastery, I learned
something new. Six students from Kosovo seek to serve the Church and
enter the seminary in Prizren. What a blessing for the Church! Even with
a population under spiritual and physical oppression, God is raising up young
men in Kosovo to serve His Church. Glory to God!
These seminarians have financial needs anywhere from $250-$360 per month to undertake their continuing education. If anyone would be willing to support a seminarian on a monthly basis, please contact me, and I will supply details.
Fr. Nektarios and
until recently, there were six soup kitchens supported by the DMRF routinely
serving the impoverished of the area. Now, I can report there are SEVEN soup
kitchens, the most recent one opened in Prekovce. It serves approximately 800
men, women & children daily. More people fed; more needs met. Thank
God for this provision! Thank God for all the people who keep the soup kitchens
up and running, day after day!
Soup Kitchen in Kosovo
recently, Serbian TV (outside Kosovo) began giving focus to the humanitarian
work offered through the Kosovo soup kitchens. As a result, awareness has
heightened, and another source of support is cultivated. How this will manifest
long term is yet unknown. I can say we are hopeful for the future. Wherever God
is, wherever compassion is, the makings of miracles exist.
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of meeting students while making a stop to distribute cold weather wear. Over 300 scarves, hats & gloves were given out—the result of our early autumn scarf drive. How generous and kind you were, dear benefactors! About 80% of the clothing fit children and 20% fit adults.
say this--it would’ve cost a bundle to buy all these items new. Instead,
you gathered, laundered and mailed me beautiful pieces to bring over. It
was your loving effort which made this possible. I was glad to deliver
many ready to wear items in such fantastic shape! Again, THANK YOU!
See this cold weather gear
video captured at a school in the village of Osojane:
& heating fuel (firewood) is essential for the cold weather months. That is
our Fund’s primary focus this season. During the week of November 13, the DMRF
transferred just over $5,100 to Kosovo to help cover these needs. Wire
transfers are always met with thanksgiving to God by the fathers of the Decani
Monastery! It allows them to provide practical assistance while demonstrating
God’s consistent care for His people.
now, the DMRF is actively securing firewood to keep homes, schools &
monasteries supplied with winter fuel. Doing so is essential to keep people
healthy, warm and nourished. The Fund recently provided one village with
firewood. A second village then asked for the same. In faith, I said yes, we
would certainly help. Some people came to me and asked, “Fr., will there be
pork roasts for us again for the Nativity Feast?” In faith, I replied, “Yes.”
I make this happen? No. Rather, I have faith in the generosity and love of
many people who have given before. I’ve seen loving hands unfold with gifts
that say, “Here, Fr., let’s bless the brethren. Let us do for them what they
cannot do for themselves. It is Christ’s way. Why should we be
disproportionately blessed?”
Why should we with more resources be disproportionately blessed?
II Corinthians 9:7 states that God loves a cheerful giver. The word in Greek
for cheerful is hilarós. It describes spontaneous, non-reluctant giving.
Someone asks, and you respond because you are already inclined to give without
reluctance. And, why not? God makes all things possible. Especially for the
non-reluctant, spontaneous giver. The giver already knows that he or she
follows God’s way and that blessings will ensue. Such is part and parcel of a
faithful Christian life.
At this point, I ask those who can and are willing to BE A BLESSING to one or more of 200 families who hope and pray to have meat on their table for the Feast of the Holy Nativity on January 7. These are families who have meat on their table just twice a year. A pork roast that will feed a family of four for one week costs USD 100. Would you be willing and able to provide one or more Christmas roasts for Serbian Christians in Kosovo this season?
A Serbian Nativity Feast
GOAL: To put a pork roast (whole pig) on the
tables of 200 families in Kosovo for the Nativity Feast.
Here’s how to partner with us this season:
Donate via Paypal
(use the button on our
Send a check payable to:
Decani Monastery Relief
2618 West Bannock Street
Boise, ID 83702-4705
The Decani Monastery Relief Fund is a 501c3 tax-exempt charity and issues receipts for donations made. Please send your gift no later than December 31 to receive a tax receipt for this year.
love and bless you! Peace to you and peace to your soul!
in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes
of the Decani Monastery Relief Fund
information: Cell Phone 208-860-2479 / Email
Monday, November 6, 2017
The Lord sees our wrest with the Enemy
We must always remember that the
Lord sees us wrestling with the Enemy, and so we must never be afraid. Even
should all hell fall upon us, we must be brave.
Monday, October 9, 2017
On Serenity and its Development
If we look to correct ourselves and look more intently towards our inner activity - rather
than our external, giving precedence to divine help - we can, in turn, be of
greater and more positive help to others. We will also achieve an inner
serenity that will quietly help the souls of the people we encounter, because
spiritual serenity reflects the virtue of the soul and transforms souls.
When someone applies himself to external activity, before having polished
his spiritual inner state, he may struggle spiritually; but he will be fraught
with worry, anxiety, lack of confidence in God and frequent loss of
serenity. If he does not improve himself, he cannot say that his interest
for the common good is pure. When he is liberated from the old self and
all worldly things, then he will receive divine Grace; and be not only at peace
with himself, but also able to bring peace to everyone else.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
October 1--A Short Life of St. Romanos
blessings on all those with Romanos as their Patron Saint, who celebrate their
Name Day on October 1!
Friday, September 29, 2017
Forgiveness Requires Courage
blog posting from Fr. Alexis Trader, Orthodox monastic, on his website:
In his dissertation, John W. Beiter writes, “Thoresen (2001) highlighted that forgiveness was difficult, demanding and requiring courage.” Courage can be defined as a willingness and ability to face fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, hardship, death, or public disapproval. Courage is also required in order to let go of anger and the desire for revenge when one has been wronged or offended by another, to leave behind the dog-eat-dog world where we usually live, and to step into the unfamiliar terrain of the Gospel of Christ.
July 8, 2014
Anyone who has experienced forgiving another human being
recognizes that the act of loosening our grip and extending our hand that has
recently been bitten requires courage, courage to act like Christ when our
impulses drive us to act like wounded beasts. We know this on an experiential,
intuitive level. Psychologists, however, have confirmed that fact in their
study of forgiveness.
In his dissertation, John W. Beiter writes, “Thoresen (2001) highlighted that forgiveness was difficult, demanding and requiring courage.” Courage can be defined as a willingness and ability to face fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, hardship, death, or public disapproval. Courage is also required in order to let go of anger and the desire for revenge when one has been wronged or offended by another, to leave behind the dog-eat-dog world where we usually live, and to step into the unfamiliar terrain of the Gospel of Christ.
That forgiveness requires courage means that forgiveness is not a moral
calculation or a balance on the scales of justice. Courage means we leave those
calculations and balances on the side. Courage is required to forgive our
brother without reflecting upon whether he deserves it. Forgiveness is,
moreover, a courageous act of love that requires patience. Saint Ephraim the
Syrian once said, “The life of the righteous was radiant. How did it become
radiant if it wasn’t by patience? Love patience, O monk, as the mother of
courage.” Patience in keeping God’s commandments provides the courage to do so
in times of trial and temptation.
How is courage linked to forgiveness? In so far that it takes courage to be
a Christian, in so far that it takes courage to be a person of faith, in so far
that it takes courage to be obedient to the Gospel of Christ in a world that
runs on the basis of other laws and criteria, it requires courage to forgive.
After all, Saint Paul described the Christian as a courageous warrior of light:
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to
withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore,
having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of
righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all
the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword
of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:13-17). Is courage useful
in forgiveness? In so far as it is linked to doing all to stand, meaning doing all
to be bearers of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, “love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, kindness, benevolence, faithfulness, gentleness, and
self-control” (Galatians 5:23), courage is undoubtedly most useful for those
who long to forgive.
Consider for a moment, the absence of courage. In such a condition is
forgiveness even possible? Saint Isaac the Syrian writes in Homily 40,
“Faintness of heart is a sign of despondency, and negligence is the mother of
both. A cowardly man shows that he suffers from two diseases: love of his flesh
and lack of faith; for love of one’s flesh is a sign of unbelief. But he who
despises the love of the flesh proves that he believes in God with his whole
heart and awaits the age to come. . . A courageous heart and scorn of perils comes
from one of two causes: either from hardness of heart or from great faith in
God. Pride accompanies hardness of heart, but humility accompanies faith. A man
cannot acquire hope in God unless he first does His will with exactness. For
hope in God and manliness of heart are born of the testimony of the conscience,
and by the truthful testimony of the mind we possess confidence towards God.”
Saint Isaac makes the important point that Christian courage is the courage
of the humble and soft-hearted, not the courage of the proud and hard-hearted.
To have a humble and soft-heart after being wounded requires more courage than
the most lion-hearted soldier, a super-human courage that can only be attained
and sustained through faith and hope in God. To stop nursing one’s wounds and
to start turning to God are acts of courage that are also antecedents to
forgiveness, turning to our neighbors and nursing their wounds. The notions of
courage, faith, hope, patience and a strengthened heart are expressed most
beautifully in psalm 26: “I believe that I shall see the good things of the
Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be thou manful, and let thy
heart be strengthened, and wait on the Lord.”
Since forgiveness is central to the Christian life, courage is an
indispensable virtue. It is not possible to live the Christian life without the
heroic courage of the righteous. Saint John Chrysostom remarks, “Sin makes man
a coward; but a life in the Truth of Christ makes Him bold” (St. John
Chrysostom, On the Statues, VIII. 2).
The more we forgive, the more courage we gather within our heart which in
turn makes it easier to forgive the next time, and the time after that, and
seventy-times seven that follow. When we begin living according to a life in
Christ, our world changes, we perceive those around us differently. We begin to
see them as Christ sees them. Most importantly, we recognize the grace of
Christ operative in our lives. We can then echo the words of Saint Paul, “I can
do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phillippians 4:13) and
that includes forgiving everyone, even those who have wronged us grievously.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Remember, O Lord, those who have Fallen Asleep
Today we solemnly remember those who lost their lives, suddenly,
unexpectedly here in the United States through terrorism attacks on September
11, 2001.
What recourse do Orthodox people have in remembrance of all
these individuals? We have a beautiful
akathist, The Akathist for the Reposed,
which covers all manner of departures from this life and may be prayed for both
Orthodox and non-Orthodox people. It is
a consoling canon of prayers. Here is a
link to the akathist:
Here is a way to bring comfort to the souls that only God really
knows. May His will be accomplished in
ways unknown to us, that lie beyond our comprehension. While we yet have time, let us pray.
Photographs of those killed during the terrorist
attacks* on Sept. 11, 2001.
Photo credit: Jeeny via United States Department of
*missing are photos of 92 additional victims (apart
from the terrorists which do not appear above)
Saturday, September 9, 2017
A Prayer Against Bad Weather
A Prayer
Against Bad Weather
O Master, Lord
our God,
Who through Thy Consubstantial and Beginningless Word
and Thy
Life-Giving Spirit Who is equal
in honor,
hath brought everything out of nothingness into being;
and weighed the mountains and the valleys in a
Who hath
measured the skies and holdeth the water in the palm of Thy hand;
Who hath given
to this visible world of the senses its laws and rules,
its harmony and order;
and variations in the orbit of the sun;
Who, through
the mingling of the elements,
holdeth all things together by Thine
inexpressible power,
and keep them
from harm and intact:
Do Thou
Thyself, O All-Good King,
extending to
us Thine innate and customary love and goodness,
visit the
works of Thy hands.
Do not deprive
us of Thy mercies and Thy compassion,
and through
the mystical communion of Thy Spirit
hath made us to share in Thine own
forgive, we
pray, the multitude of our sins,
in the far greater multitude of Thy
Thou didst
wash away the sin of mankind
through the Cross and the Blood of Thy Son.
which hath
been grievously disturbed into an unnatural state
because of the unruliness and
of our lawless and corrupt behavior,
and bring it
back to its natural harmony and order.
Make the great
ocean return to its usual calmness,
that threaten us,
Rebuke the
raging of the sea and the unnatural violence of the gales;
allow the
spirit of the storm to be stilled,
and the
tempest to be returned to tranquility.
Through the
intercessions of the Most-Blessed Lady Theotokos,
of the
God-like Angels and all the Saints,
and through
the good pleasure and love of Thine Only-Begotten Son,
with Whom Thou
art blessed,
together with
Thine All-Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit,
now and ever,
and unto the
ages of ages.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Hurricane Harvey--Providing Relief
the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) website:
IOCC is closely monitoring the
progression of Hurricane Harvey as it continues to impact Southern Texas and
Louisiana. IOCC staff remains in contact with partners, including members of
national and local VOADs (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) and
expresses concern for the well-being of the people in the path of the storm.
Additionally, IOCC is activating its
Emergency Response Network, the Frontliners, to deploy in the coming days to
help the people affected by the storm with emotional and spiritual care and
conducting needs assessments. Even after their deployment, IOCC’s work to clean
and rebuild homes will continue into the weeks and months following the storm’s
devastation.How Can You Help?
IOCC continues praying for the
safety and well-being of those affected by this storm. Your gift to our Hurricane
Harvey Response Fund will help us to react quickly and effectively to
conditions in Southern Texas and Louisiana as they unfold. Your help will
provide immediate relief, as well as long-term support through the provision of
emergency aid, recovery assistance, and other support to help those in need.
make a donation, visit:
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
What's happening in Kosovo these days?
from the Russian meaning
destruction or devastation
(usually referring to a
town or country).
On behalf of the Decani Monastery Relief
+ Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes, President
+ Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes, President
If you knew someone was suffering under a
pogrom, would you step in to deliver the person? Would you make an effort,
because if you turned a blind eye or deaf ear, someone’s suffering would
intensify? What if death would result without your intervention?
Sounds drastic, doesn’t it? It is. What if
the intent of the pogrom was targeted at members of your family? Today, members
of Christ’s Body, our Christian family, are suffering a pogrom in Kosovo. An
on-going pogrom—now in its 20th year! Hard to believe, isn’t it? Imagine living
with both deprivation and Christian persecution in various forms for two
decades running. It is no small thing.
Is suffering intensifying in Kosovo &
Metohija? Yes! Could death result without intervention? Yes! Has death already
occurred? Yes! The pogrom in Kosovo has taken various forms over the years. The
express purpose has been to demoralize and drive the remaining Serbian Orthodox
Christian population from their native province.
Terror is the Game
The on-going pogrom includes various forms of terror—physical harassment and harm, unexpected deaths. Property damage. Destruction of homes, leaving some homeless and others now living in shipping containers. Destruction of 160 churches and monasteries in the region, some dating back to the 12th century. Vandalizing and desecration of 400 cemeteries in the area. Theft of vehicles, farm equipment and farm animals. Unexpected loss of utility services (electricity—often resulting in food spoilage, lack of light and water service in some areas). A growing scarcity of food. High gas prices. Lack of medical services—only two hospitals in the region are allowed to serve the Serbian population—and they are very poorly equipped as of this writing. Most pregnant women opt to take the long ride to Belgrade (a 6 hour drive away) in order to deliver a child safely.
All the above are deplorable circumstances, DELIBERATELY inflicted on the Serbian population by the current Albanian majority to drive them out of Kosovo for good!
aka Ethnic Cleansing
Marko Djuric, Republic of Serbia Director
of the Office for Kosovo & Metohija, recently reported, “We should also
bear in mind the fact that two-thirds of Kosovo’s pre-war Serbian population
remain refugees and only about 120,000 still live in Kosovo and Metohija in
poor economic conditions and political isolation while over 200,000 now live in
central Serbia.” He also pointed out that over 80,000 houses and apartments in
Kosovo are now used by other people, and together with security problems, are
the biggest obstacles preventing the Serbs’ return to Kosovo. Those who do return
may find bullet holes in their homes along with routine harassment by their
Albanian “neighbors.”
How the EU Spends Money in
It’s interesting to note that the European
Union has invested the ethnic Albanian population in Kosovo with 60 billion Euros
to date. However, for the Serbian population of Kosovo—NOTHING.
Serbs previously driven from Kosovo, who
then want to return, face obstacles as noted. Is it any wonder why the ethnic
Albanians continue to push for their ouster? Thus, the long-standing,
intensified pogrom continues.
Neutralizing the Assault
One of the more effective tools used in the pogrom is the lack of available food. Lack of food is the greatest concern right now. The Decani Monastery Relief Fund is routinely tapped for assistance in providing food. With your help we will continue to source and provide needed food for the oppressed population. Most often this requires us to travel outside the province to source provisions. This is just one of the many ministries the fathers of the Decani Monastery provide for the brethren.
Funds received by the DMRF are applied in
these ways:
• Routinely providing staple foods for families and monasteries
• Providing farm animals and farm equipment
• Providing food for six active soup kitchen ministries in the region
• Providing needed medical supplies and equipment
• Providing funds to help cover utility bills for families and monasteries
• Providing a hot lunch for students (a necessity during cold seasons)
• Providing firewood to heat homes, schools & monasteries during cold seasons
• Routinely providing staple foods for families and monasteries
• Providing farm animals and farm equipment
• Providing food for six active soup kitchen ministries in the region
• Providing needed medical supplies and equipment
• Providing funds to help cover utility bills for families and monasteries
• Providing a hot lunch for students (a necessity during cold seasons)
• Providing firewood to heat homes, schools & monasteries during cold seasons
Overcoming Evil With Good
You can relieve those who are suffering a
spiritual pogrom thinly disguised as a physical one. Yes, this pogrom is
physical and needs are acute. Even so, the Christians recognize the true battle
is spiritual as it is in every place where Christian persecution exists. Now is
the time to save the brethren by your prayers and your material support.
The Decani Monastery Relief Fund exists for
this purpose. With your support, we will let the brethren know, TANGIBLY, that
they are not forgotten by God. His people remain the lifeline for their support
during these times of crisis and uncertainty.
You CAN Provide
Help us meet this crucial need, please. Let
the persecutors be put to shame by the loving care these Christians receive
from you! There is a genuine need—there is a pogrom in progress and you can be
deliverers in Christ’s name through the Decani Monastery Relief Fund. Your
generous response will speak volumes to the hearts of suffering Serbian
Christians. You cannot know the depth of their need or their appreciation when
they find there is a way to cope with these on-going hardships. Assuredly, God
knows and will reward everyone for their generous and loving deeds.
Donations can be made on-line via Paypal on
our website:
Or by mail: Decani Monastery Relief Fund
c/o Very Reverend Nektarios Serfes
2618 West Bannock Street
Boise, ID 83702
c/o Very Reverend Nektarios Serfes
2618 West Bannock Street
Boise, ID 83702
You will receive a receipt for your gift.
The DMRF is a tax-exempt charity. For those
who might be wondering, the DMRF runs “lean.” We have no paid staff, all who
serve the Fund do it voluntarily. We are a “no overhead” organization. All the
proceeds given to the Fund go to Kosovo to meet needs there. So, the money you
give yields maximum effect.
The Love of God will Reign
in Kosovo
Because You Care
Unless we see with our own eyes we may not
realize the severity and its effect when food runs short. But I assure you, the
situation is critical and the DMRF will help with whatever means God provides.
Your gift today will nourish people physically. In doing so, you will save this
now Christian minority population from a severe humanitarian crisis.
We ask, too, that you remember and sustain
the brethren of Kosovo and Metohija spiritually through your prayers. They pray
for you, too—their benefactors!
God remember your love and reward it
eternally in His Kingdom! Thank you! Peace to your soul!
Humbly in our Lord Jesus Christ,
+ Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios
SerfesWho always prays for you!
Friday, August 4, 2017
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol speaks on the Signs of the Times
Beautiful and inspiring talk given by Metropolitan Athanasios:
Friday, July 28, 2017
The Armor of God
Putting on the Armor of God:
Being a Warrior When it’s Popular to Be a Weaner
Being a warrior for Christ has no minimum age or athletic
qualifications. All warriors for Christ, however, must want to “be men” or “be
manly”. It means to be what a human is really meant to be: brave, courageous,
and authentic in obedience to God.
Archpriest Thaddaeus
Hardenbrook | 08 November 2014
Saint Nestor was only a teenager when he decided he’d had enough
of the local Christians being slaughtered in forced combat against a giant
named Lyaeus. The Emperor Maximian had set up a raised platform in the center
of Thessaloniki where he forced Christians to fight for their lives against the
seemingly unconquerable Vandal mercenary “who was a beast in both appearance
and character.”
Nestor was thin and not very tall, but apparently that did not
concern him. He visited Saint Demetrios in prison and took his blessing to
challenge Lyaeus. The saint made the sign of the cross over his head and heart,
prophesying, “You will both be victorious and suffer for Christ.”
Nestor entered the city center and approached the combat platform.
Around the platform were numerous spears set into the ground. Lyaeus had made a
name for himself by hurling his defeated victims down onto the spears.
So young and slight of build was Nestor that both the emperor and
the Vandal hesitated to accept his challenge. But when he explained he would be
victorious by the power of Christ, both men longed to see him dead. Mounting
the platform, Nestor cried out, “O God of Demetrios, help me!”
Lyaeus charged at him from across the platform, and wonder of
wonders, Nestor engaged him, deftly steered his momentum, and threw him from
the platform onto the very spears that had killed so many Christians. The crowd
exploded spontaneously, “Great is the God of Demetrios!”
Soon afterwards, both Saints Demetrios and Nestor were put to
death for their faith. Yet clearly they were not “afraid of those who kill the
body, and after that have no more that they can do” (Lk. 12:4). They had “put
on the full armor of God” (Eph. 6:11). They stood, girded their waists with
truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, shod their feet with the
readiness of the gospel of peace, and took up the shield of faith, the helmet
of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. They were warriors of Christ and
victors to the end.
Being a warrior for Christ has no minimum age or athletic
qualifications; the child-martyr Kyriacos was only three years old, but that’s
another story. All warriors for Christ, however, must want to “be men” or “be
manly” (1 Cor. 16:13). This doesn’t mean to be masculine (the term “manly” is
used to describe female saints as often as male); it means to be what a human
is really meant to be: brave, courageous, and authentic in obedience to God.
When we are little, obedience to our parents teaches us how to
obey. As “men,” adults, we put that ability into action in our relationship
with God. Obeying God is manly; it’s what authentically mature humans do. And
that obedience leads us to a courageous and brave Christian existence. It leads
us on the way of being warriors for the heavenly kingdom, where we vanquish, by
the power of Christ, “principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of
this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Spiritual
battle is the life, and the identity, of the Christian warrior, the grown-up
When I was a kid, my grandfather once took me to look over a bunch
of young calves on the ranch next to his. They were in a large corral, newly
separated from their mothers, mooing mournfully, and clearly unhappy with the
new arrangement. Some fretted their loss, some lashed out angrily at their
neighbors, while others just found a corner to mope in. “All of them just got
finished being weaned from their mothers; that’s why we call ’em weaners. It’s
time for them to grow up whether they want to or not. It’s just the way life
He laughed aloud as he surveyed the self-pitying critters. “Take a
good look at them, the way they’re all acting as if life’s too tough.” Then he
turned to me with a little “get-ready-for-some-words-of-wisdom” in his eyes.
“You can be a lot of things in life, but don’t be a weaner.”
Through the prayers of the holy warriors Demetrios and Nestor!
Source: St. Lawrence Orthodox Church
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