Orthodox Thought for the Day


Monday, May 21, 2012

The Paschal Gift

Continuing to greet you in Paschal fashion during these 40 Holy Days:  Christ is Risen!  Truly He is Risen! 

Some time before this St. Apollo was living in a cave in the mountain with five brothers.  He had recently come from the desert and these were his first disciples. Pascha came, and when they had finished giving worship to God they ate whatever they happened to have.  There were a few dry loaves and some pickled vegetables. Then Apollo said to them, “If we have faith, my children, and are true sons of Christ, let each of us ask of God what he desires to eat.”  But they entrusted the whole matter to him, considering themselves unworthy of such a grace.  He therefore prayed with a radiant face and they all said “Amen.”  And, at once, in the night, a number of men arrived at the cave, complete strangers to them, who said that they had travelled a long distance.  They were carrying things which the brothers had never even heard of before, things which do not grow in Egypt: fruits of paradise of every kind, and grapes and pomegranates and figs and walnuts, all procured out of season, and honeycomb, and a pitcher of fresh milk, and giant dates, and white loaves still warm although brought to them from a foreign country.  The men who brought these things delivered them simply with the message that they had been sent by a rich magnate, and immediately departed in a hurry.  The brothers partook of these provisions until Pentecost and satisfied their hunger with them, so that they wondered and said, “Truly these were sent by God.” 

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