Orthodox Thought for the Day


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Blessed Mother's Day!

Mothers--what would we do without them?? To begin with, none of us would be here! We give thanks for all our dear mothers, those here with us and those who`ve gone on ahead (may their memories be eternal!)

As Orthodox, the Lord has given us shelter and recourse to His own mother, our Panagia Theotokos. Let us honor her as the mother of all Christians and give glory to her Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who performed His first miracle as a response to a plea made by His own mother during a wedding at Cana.

There is no love and care quite like that which can be offered by a God-fearing mother; may all those who`ve been given this great responsibility and stewardship be honored and appreciated by those who`ve been blessed by their ministry in this world.  Pres. Candace

A beautiful meditation, adapted from a Roman Catholic site:

Heavenly Father, You have been pleased to give human beings the joy of having a mother, one who labors to give them life and bring them to adulthood.

You have given followers of your Son the added joy of a Christian mother, who works with You to give supernatural life to a child and to nurture that child to Christian adulthood.

Over the centuries there have been countless such mothers---faithful, loving, devout, courageous, dedicated, and unconquerable. They have given us Christian Saints and the continuation of the Christian Faith. Without them, there would be no religious vocation, and apart from the grace of the All Holy Spirit, no Christian influence in the world. Most of these mothers have been unsung heroines in the eyes of the world; yet, Lord, You know them and have granted them eternal joy.

In Your eyes, they are of inestimable worth. Your Word uses a mother`s love to describe your overwhelming love for your people, our Lord uses the image of a mother bird to indicate His love for His people. Most of all, when He wants to convey an idea of the joy of those in heaven, He does so by using the image of a mother`s pure joy in bringing a child into the world.

Dear Lord, let me honor my mother if she is living and remember her in prayer if she has passed into eternal life. Pour down your grace upon her and on all mothers on this day dedicated to them. Amen.

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