Orthodox Thought for the Day


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Put your heart into it

Any work we do here on earth is God’s work.  However, we always work with reservation, without sincerity. Not only can God not bear that, but no human being can.  We know that the universe belongs to God, that the Earth is God’s planet, and that everything belongs to God, no matter what type of work we do.

Whether a person is good or not, pious or not, a dedicated worker or not, he will answer for it.  We should not think too much about who our superiors are, or who our employer is.  What we should bear in mind is that every type of work on earth and in all the universe is God’s work and as such it should be performed from the heart, without reservation.  When we do so, we can free ourselves from our interior resistance.  Every action of ours will then help our neighbor, beginning with our family, wherever we may be.  So we must always be sincere.  Then we radiate peace, quiet, and love, and we are loved in return.  With our thoughts we either attract or repel enemies, friends, family and neighbors.  However, people usually take this lightly and suffer a lot as a result.  Elder Thaddeus of Serbia

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