Orthodox Thought for the Day


Friday, August 15, 2014

The Mother of God fell asleep on this day

Blessed Feast of the Holy Dormition! 

In the Book of Akathists, Volume I, published by Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY there is an Akathist in Honor of the Dormition of the Theotokos.  At the end of the Akathist, there is a closing prayer which contains a many titles or attributes by which we honor the Mother of God.  From this prayer I have extracted some of these beautiful words ascribed the Most Holy Theotokos:   

O Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin, Lady,
higher than the angels and archangels
more honored than all creation,
the great wonder of angels,
the lofty sermon of prophets,
the most glorious boast of apostles,
the special adornment of hierarchs,
the strong support of martyrs,
the saving precept of monastics,
the inexhaustible abstinence of fasters,
the purity and glory of those in virginity,
the peaceful gladness of mothers,
the wisdom and learning of children,
nourisher of widows and orphans,
garment of the naked,
health of the ailing,
deliverance of the imprisoned,
calm of those that sail upon the sea,
stormless haven of the tempest-tossed,
untiring instructress of the erring,
easy passage of the travelers,
good repose of laborers,
quick defender of those in trouble,
shelter and refuge of the wronged,
hope of the despairing,
helper of the needy,
inexhaustible wealth of the poor,
everlasting comforter of the grieving,
loving humility of the hated,
salvation of sinners and re-acquisition to God,
firm stronghold of the right-believing,
unconquerable help and intercession
most wonderful Queen of noetic light,
who gave birth to Christ the King,
glorified by the celestial,
praised by the earthly,
the mind of angels,
luminous star,
most holy one of the saints,
queen of queens,
mistress of all creation,
divinely-majestic virgin,
spotless bride,
palace of the Most Holy Spirit,
fiery throne of the invisible King,
heavenly ark,
vessel of God the Word,
fire-like chariot,
resting place of the living God,
ineffable source of the flesh of Christ,
nest of the heavenly Eagle,
divinely speaking turtle dove,
meek dove,
gentle and kind,
child-loving mother,
abyss of mercies,
disperser of the cloud of the wrath of God,
immeasurable depth,
inexpressible mystery,
incomprehensible miracle,
church not made with hands of the only King of all ages,
fragrant censer,
honorable robe of purple,
divinely woven porphyry,
animate paradise,
branch from the life-bearing garden,
most beautiful flower that hath blossomed heavenly gladness for us,
cluster of our salvation,
chalice of the King of Heaven,
intercessor of the Law,
inception of the true Faith of Christ,
unshakable pillar,
destruction of heretics,
sword of the divine wrath against those inimical to God,
intimidation of demons,
victory of those in warfare,
true preserver of all Christians
known salvation of all the world

May we remain under her protection, now and ever…Presbytera Candace


Please visit last year’s entry for the feast:  http://otftd.blogspot.com/2013/08/blessed-feast-of-holy-dormition.html and also John Sanidopoulos’ entry for this year’s commemoration:  http://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2013/08/august-15th-summer-pascha.html

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