Orthodox Thought for the Day


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Prayer to one's Holy Guardian Angel

This prayer spoke to my heart this morning--perhaps it will to yours as well:
O holy Guardian Angel and mighty helper, who was given to me the day of my baptism, to you this present day I give my soul, heart and my mind; present them to my Savior, Jesus Christ, that all may be for His glory. Strengthen my faith. I ask for your powerful intercession. O my strong Guide, O my Guardian, do not abandon me today. Direct my steps along the path pleasing to the Lord.. Let me not be tempted to take the easy path that will lead me to sin, but help me to journey only on the narrow one that will take me someday to my Savior. Direct my will to follow your will. I know that that I have often offended you by laziness and bad habits. You are without stain in your glory, and I have often driven you away by my sins. I pray and ask you, most holy Guardian, be merciful to me, your sinful and unworthy servant. Be my defender, and aid me against my enemies. O my Guardian, direct my will to follow God's will and let it be prompted by blessed desires. Be a strong guide in all my works; be a safeguard in my whole life. Knowing that you are with me brings me great comfort. And finally, in the hour of my death, be my protection. 

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